Additional Child Care Subsidy - Child Wellbeing

Additional child care subsidy can be accessed for a child at serious risk of neglect. This is the equivalent of the old ‘CRK’ that could be claimed on an attendance.

Note the following:

  • You must submit an ACCS certificate to start accessing ACCS for a child
  • The initial certifcate runs for a maximum of 6 weeks
  • To continue to access ACCS beyond 6 weeks for a child or if this child will take you above the 50% cap you must complete a full determination

Accessing ACCS

  1. Create a CWA enrolment (not an ACCS enrolment) in SmartCentral for the child in question with their CRN and submit it
  2. Log in to the Provider Entry Point (PEP) and create the certificate
  3. Start submitting attendances as normal
