This child has been enroled here before by this parent but left and now they are back. (Cloning an old enrolment)

  1. Search for the child or parent
  2. Click on the exited enrolment id
  3. Click on the ‘Clone’ button in the right hand corner of your screen
  4. Update the ‘Start date’ and the booking then save (you can update the booking at any time).

The child is new but the parent has had other children here (adding a new child)

  1. Search in the child list or global search to make sure the child is not already present
  2. Access the parent’s profile either by searching in the parent list or using the global search
  3. Click on the ‘Add New Child’ button to create the child’s intial profile
  4. Enter the child’s basic details * Frist Name * LastName * Date of Birth * CRN (if supplied) * Gender
  5. Hit save , this will create the child’s minimum profile. YOu can add addtional details to the child’s profile immeadiately or finish creating the new enrolment first
  6. Click on ‘Add Enrolment
  7. Pick up the correct Parent , enter the start date and hit save

You have now created the child’s enrolment

Child has been here before but was enroled by a different parent (adding a new parent)

  1. Search for the child id
  2. On the left hand side of your screen Click on the child id
  3. Click on ‘Add New Parent’ and enter the new parent information
  4. From the new parent screen click on ‘Add New Enrolment’

Both the child and parent are new to us (adding a new family)

What next?

After creating a new enrolment the next step would normally be to add a booking to the enrolment.