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Recent Items
- Overview of SmartCentral changes for CCS
- Family Transition Timeline - Dept Fact Sheet
- Enrolment Migration to CCS
Department announces 6 month delay to introduction of compulsory reporting of sign-in / sign-out times - delayed but its not going away. Email sent 11th April 2018
- New Childcare Package - Dept brochure
Department’s High Level Timeline
Department of Education Information Video
Department’s Transition Process
- Check and update CCMS details
- Register child care personnel (commencing soon)
- Complete the transition workflow (from early 2018)
- Set up your third party software (2018) «< Note 1
- Submit enrolments (from April 2018) «< Note 2
Note 1 : This will be SmartCentral only. If you haven’t already transitioned from SmartFees to SmartCentral already you will need to do so by April 2018.
Note 2 : SmartCentral will provide tools to manage the transition of enrolments into the Department’s new system. You won’t be creating new enrolments individually for each child.
Setting up new approvals
With the coming changes to child care payments the government is introducing a new system. As part of the migration process all services (child care providers) are required to reapply for their approvals.
To faciltate that all existing centres are being requested to ensure their current details are up to date. Once that process is complete the nominated authorised person will be asked to complete an identity check in PRODA and then complete and submit an application for approval to operate a child care service (or services) under the new system.
This identity check and the application must be completed by March 2018 to be ready for the introduction of the new system.
To be the equivalent of an Authorised Person, a Key Person or a Family Day Care Educator in the new system you must complete the identity check. The identity check may also be extended to included Additional Educators for Inclusion Support claims but this is yet to be confirmed.
Changes to OSHC
Currently services operating Before School Care, After School Care and Vacation Care must have an CCMS Approval ID for each and create enrolments in those Approval IDs each child uses.
Under the new system there will be a single OSHC approval and thus only a single enrolment is required.
This may reduce admin for children attending both BSC and ASC but introduces additional complexity for VAC children. The impact on the ability to separately invoice VAC care from BSC/ASC care may be managed within SmartCentral but the combination of the new deemed exit rules and enrolment confirmation rules may make it difficult to bill parents in advance for VAC with any accuracy.
Parent participation in enrolment confirmation
For each new enrolment starting after 1st July 2018 the centre must submit the agreed fee arrangement and the parent must acknowledge that fee arrangement with the department before any subsidy is paid.
Changes to Attendances (Session Reports)
Services must report the actual time of arrival and departure of each child for each session of attendance in addition to the session start and end times.
Additional Resources
- https://www.education.gov.au/ChildCarePackage
- https://docs.education.gov.au/documents/key-changes-service-providers
- https://docs.education.gov.au/documents/key-changes-families
- Childcare Safety Net - Dept Fact Sheet
- https://docs.education.gov.au/documents/new-child-care-subsidy-system-factsheet
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