The following applies if you are a service who has waived parent fees during the COVID period 6/4/2020 to 28/6/2020, and received COVID CCS (& other) payments. COVID payments originate with teh department of Education, transferred via the existing payment interface (CCS -> SC) and are found in the SC COVID TAB.

If you do not receive the COVID payments and are charging parents in full (eg some non approved services do not qualify for government assistance, then run MYOB extract as normal and ignore this help link).

And if you are unsure, ask in our support chat for help and someone will call you, to run through it.

MYOB Extract

For those offering free childcare run the MYOB extract as per usual.

However, post importing to MYOB, you will need to make an adjustment for income (weekly Fee total amt) as parent fees will have been waived. And make a positive adjustment for COVID payments in the date range exported.

Note: COVID payments started 6/4 and are found in the Services -> COVID 19 TAB.

Mar 23rd to 5th Apr 2020, waiving fees was optional.

If you waived fees for this period or part of it, you will need to adjust the income for this period too, but CCS paid in this date range will be correct and found in the payment reports as per normal.

CCS payments for weeks ending 29/3/2020 & 5/4/2020 will be found in the relevant CCS extract.

We encourage you to back up MYOB before importing the file, that way if you make a mistake in the adjustments you can back out, reimport the extract and remake the adjustments.

MYOB Option coming

An option to remove the income from the MYOB extract, before being imported, is in development and will be released early next week.

COVID CCS payments though will still have to be imported manually.

Other Accounting Packages

For those offering free childcare do not import the income reported (weekly Fee total amt) for this period 6/4 to 28/6, as parent fees will have been waived. Import the COVID CCS payments made in the date range. Note: COVID payments started 6/4.

Mar 23rd to 5th Apr, waiving fees was optional. If you waived fees for this period or part of it, do not import the income reported (weekly Fee total amt) for this period either, but CCS paid in this date range will be correct and in the payment reports.