Clear the link to the relevant sections of the online providers’ child care handbook for ACCS.

A service provider can only grant an initial 6 weeks ACCS certificate for children at risk - all others grandparents, training for work (old JET is now ACCS), financial hardship, etc - the Parent needs to go to Centrelink themselves to make a claim (or via MYGOV) and if the claim is granted (they are eligible) then the ACCS % flows down to the Enrolment.

You create the child at risk ACCS certificate up on PRODA (provider Entry Point (PEP)).

Within SmartCentral an enrolment first needs to be active. When creating an enrolment in SmartCentral, make sure the start date is the Monday prior to the child’s first session you want to claim ACCS for, or if the child’s first day attending is in the future use today’s date as the start date of the enrolment. Make sure the booking start date is the actual child’s first day of attendance. You can set an enrolment start date to today as long as the child is starting within 8 weeks else CCS will exit the enrolment before the child starts.

Once the Enrolment is PENDEL/PENDIN/Active, go to PRODA/PEP. Select the ACCS link and put in the Monday of the week you wish to claim ACCS for - this can be back dated 28 days, but must be a Monday.

When creating an ACCS certificate, PEP will select all enrolled on the Monday you select. If the child starts on the Wed (for example) and you put that wed as the start date of their SC enrolment, they will not be granted a ACCS cert for that first week of attendance. Hence the start date of the enrolment needs to be the Monday prior to commencing or they are active on the Monday prior to claiming.

Then you have to have the paperwork to support CRK, as the PEP ACCS cert screens will ask you for that - fill it all in and submit (this is all up on PRODA/PEP)

Once approved the CCS gets back paid if eligible and the % and hrs per fortnight flows down to the enrolment and ACCSHourlyRateCapIncreasePercentage is updated on the enrolment.

After that if the first 6 weeks was granted, you can apply for ACCS per 13 week lots.