Applies To

Applies only to CCS approved services using Sessions Formulas. In particular VIC Kindy Funding and QLD QKFS type 2 (Health Card / Gold Card)

Non approved services can adjust their session code formulas to avoid a credit, since there is no delayed CCS payment to change the calculation. Contact Support for assistance if required.


A “Clear Negative Gap” button can be seen on the Attendances TAB of a child’s details or the Weekly Attendance screen once one or more attendances are selected.

Since some types of Kindy Funding are applied without affecting CCS calculations, this can in some circumstances result in the discount being more than the gap remaining after CCS is applied. When this happens it shows as a negaitve gap amount.

Clear Negative Gap inserts a misc fee to adjust for this situation.

If the “Clear Negative Gap” button is pressed on an individual enrolment’s attendance TAB (list of all attendances for that enrolment), it will clear and reapply any required adjustments for negative gaps for all submitted attendances for that enrolment.

If the “Clear Negative Gap” button is pressed on the Weekly Attendance Screen , it will clear and reapply any required adjustments for negative gaps for all submitted attendances for that week.

You can check for any adjustments in a date range by running a misc fee report. Gap adjustments will show in the report under the code gap-reset.

Check Weekly Attendances and apply this if required before statements or billing.

Accounting Export

Centres affected by this who are also using accounting export functions (myob) should also update their mapping rules to map this code to a GL account.