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Choosing a Browser

Supported browsers are:

  • Chrome (Recommended)
  • Firefox
  • Safari

Other standards compliant browsers may work but are not supported.
Internet Explorer is not supported and will not work.

User Accounts

To access the features of SmartCentral you must have a user account. All types of user accounts are based on having a unique email address.

New accounts may be created from the main login screen by clicking New User ? Sign up a new account from the login screen.

Log In Screen


Roles are the mechanism within SmartCentral that is used to control who can access what information.

They fall into 3 braod categories :

  1. Public / Parents - This is the starting point for new accounts. It only provides access to the person’s own information (eg applications) or published information (eg service web profile).
  2. Staff / Educator - In addition to your own information you also have access to details about the children.
  3. Admin / Delegated Admin / Authorised Person - You have access to all information in SmartCentral and increasing levels of authority to submit information to CCMS on behalf of the service.

Roles are explained in detail here.

Web links

As a 100% web based application, SmartCentral uses web links extensively for moving around inside the application (navigation). You will recognise these clickable links as they are all coloured light blue.

Every page of information in SmartCentral is referenced by a web link and these links can be referenced from outside the application.

For example you can copy and paste the page URL into an email and send it. This is a great shortcut for sending information to another person. Only someone able to login and access the information will be able to open the link.

Web Links

This applies to any information you can see on screen eg an individual parent or child record , a booking , application form or statement.

In addition to pasting web links you can also choose to open them in a new tab so you can retain access to the current page and flip quickly back and forth. If you have a larger screen you may find it useful to open them in a separate window to compare information side by side.

Split Screen

Individual pages can also be bookmarked so that you can create a peronalised menu of frequently accessed pages.

Saving Changes

Information edited on screen is only updated to the database when the Save button on that screen is clicked. If you leave that screen without clicking save any changes will be dropped.

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