Online Application

The best way to swap parents is to get the correct parent to fill in an online application. When approving select the new parent and the existing child. Then you can cleanup the attendances as detailed below. Even if initially you set up the new enrolment manually (as shown below) it would be useful to re-enrol the parent to link the new parent’s email to the child’s new enrolment & to ensure any contact details, health etc are up to date.


If you have the incorrect parent as Parent 1, you can only change the incorrect parent to the correct parent (on parent 1) if you have not submitted it to CCS with a CRN.

You also cannot change a DOB post submission to CCS.

Once you have submitted the enrolment to CCS with a CRN/DOB, you cannot change the first/last name and CRN/DOB of Parent 1 to the other parent. This will not work within CCS and you will get an error.

Instead set up a new parent (People -> Parent -> New Parent), link the new parent to the existing child (Add new enrolment), set up the booking, and submit the enrolment.

Delete the booking from the old enrolment, exit the old enrolment to the last Sunday of any submitted attendances.

Cleaning up Attendances

Find out from the eligibility letter when CCS started, if eligible, and then ask support to copy all relevant attendances (that would get CCS) from the other parent’s enrolment to this new enrolment.

Then cancel these attendances on the old enrolment, back to the date the new Parent is eligible for CCS.

Check and then submit the attendances (from the CCS eligibility date) on the new enrolment (Correct parent 1), up to the last copied attendance. Make sure the booking is correct so the rolls generate attendance sessions for the new enrolment from tomorrow, and make sure this week’s attendance has all the correct sessions on it up to and including today’s date. If you need to add any missing ones, go to the rolls and “add session”, making sure you choose the correct new enrolment (Correct parent 1)

Previous Financial Year Cleanup

If these attendances are in the previous financial year, you will need to fill in a form, to allow you to cancel/resubmit these attendances.

You can find the fact sheet & form here.

When you get authorisation to cancel/vary/resubmit/submit previous financial year attendances, send the authorisation to support via email ( and let us know in the support chat.

One of the support team will cancel or vary the attendances for you.

You can then resubmit/submit the relevant weeks, nothing further to do with any cancelled attendances.

Transferring Payments from old Parent 1 to the new Parent 1

Cancelling attendances will remove any attendances charges from the old parent 1’s transactions TAB, and therefore balance.

If the incorrect parent then old Parent 1 wont have had any CCS to be withdrawn.

Therefore what remains is any payments made to date by the parent and thus they will be in credit.

Make a negative payment for the entire amount in credit with a note that the balance is being transferred to new parent 1.

Then make a payment for the same amount to new Parent 1, thus transferring the payment credit to the new parent/child.

This will mean that once the new enrolments attendances are submitted the credited payments transferred will be absorbed by the attendance charges as they are submitted.