Log on to SmartCentral’s Parent Portal, as usual, via https://www.smartcentral.net/v2/session/login. Use your email as login. Your password is either your mobile number, the password you changed it to or you may need to use the forgot password: https://www.smartcentral.net/v2/user/forgot_password

Once logged in, select “applications”. You should see your current child’s existing applications. If there are none here call staff an d ask them to send you an incomplete application for your current child as you wish to re-enrol a sibling.

Once there is an Application for the current existed child.

If the status is “Incomplete” you can select it, then review and change all details that are not relevant to the sibling, Name, birth date, CRN, health, etc (Review and Submit)

If staff cannot send you an incomplete application for some reason, if the existing child’s application says approved or submitted, or there is no application, then see below.

In Applications is a “New Application” button. Select that. IF there is an existing sibling with a previously submitted application their name will appear in a drop down box. Select the sibling’s name and select “COPY” The copy will open a new application, pre-filled with the sibling’s details.

Parents can review the current application by scrolling down, and if any changes are required for any section, they can select the relevant part of the application from the left hand side menu.

Scroll to the top to see Parent, child, booking, etc in a menu (left hand side). Make sure all details that pertain to the new child being enrolled for the first time are changed (Name, DOB, CRN, medical and health details.)

Beside’s parent/child contact information and the new bookings you wish to re-enrol for, it’s very important to make sure health & authorisations have also been reviewed, and if relevant changed, to reflect up to date information.

Once you are happy with all the application changes, you can select review, scroll to the bottom and submit.

If however the existing sibling has no previously submitted application and staff cannot send you a re-enrolment application (Incomplete application) for the existing child, then select “New Application”. You will need to complete a blank application.

The Video in Parent Help will assist.

Click here for Parent help

Last edited by Susan Farrell, 2020-01-01 22:35:39