We have been having a few services reactivate their software only to have their PRODA device “locked” a few days later.

** 5 attempted submits using a devise, not activated correctly, locks it.**

If you are unsure follow the points below to remove your locked devise, recreate another one, and reactivate your software. Then ** ask support in chat to check if you have reactivated it correctly**, before you submit again:

  1. check on PRODA if your device is locked
  2. disable/remove all device names, you will only be able to remove locked devices,
  3. create a new B2B device
  4. Reactivate the software
  5. If the screen comes back blue/green headings - everything is successful.
  6. If the screen has yellow/red error headings, please ask for help in the support chat

Recreating a B2B devise is the help to recreate a B2B device - let me know if you need help

Reactivating Your Software is the screen you need to add your details of the new device.

Once that is done, please hop into support chat and ask us to check it is OK before you attempt a submit again.