Create Parent Account

SmartCentral provides two simple ways for you to quickly invite a parent to register or update their details online by creating a user account. The best method to use will depend on whether any of the parent’s details are already stored in SmartCentral.

Mentod 1 : Parent Details already in SmartCentral

If the parent’s details are already recorded in SmartCentral (as a minimum First Name , Last Name , email address and mobile phone number) you can use the Create User Account feature from the Parent Screen or in bulk from the Parent List. The process is started when the staff member clicks the button and goes like this:

{{{{{{ blue-modern Staff->SC: Create User Account note right of SC: SC creates pre-filled application with available details SC->Parent: Send welcome email note right of Parent : Parent logs in and completes application Parent->SC: Complete and submit application SC->Staff : Update Submitted queue note left of Staff : Staff reviews application Staff->SC : Approved note right of SC : SC creates or updates Parent , Child, Enrolment and Booking records }}}}}}

Note: as SmartCentral only needs a very minimum of information to start the process it is often easiest to create a basic parent record and then use the Create User Account feature than use the second method.

Method 2 : No Parent Details in SmartCentral

From your normal email client email the parent the link to apply online to your service. If you have your own website you can also place this link here with a message like Click here to apply online.