The MYOB functions are found in the Extracts menu.
From here you can :
- Run a trial balance for a period
- Extract a General Ledger postings file for import into your accounting system
- Import your General Ledger account codes from your accounting system
- Assign (MAP) your account codes to SmartCentral categories
Importing account codes and mapping is only required when the system is set up or if you change your account codes.
Trial Balance
Run a trial balance for a period by selecting the start and end date then clicking UPDATE.
The trial balance function sumarises all accouting information for the period and is very usful even if you are not exporting data to an accounting system.
You can extract data into an accouting file in one of three formats depending on your needs.
- Standard Format (Download) - this is the simplest format and groups all data of the same type across the whole organisation
- Service Format (Group by Service) - this splits transactions into separate entries for each service
- Parent Format (Group by Parent) - this puts each parent transaction onto a separate line and is teh most verbose format
If your organisation operates a single service then format 1 and 2 will produce the same result.
Use this tab to import your MYOB account numbers.
![If relevant: Remove {} from the accounts.txt file](/uploads/AccountsFile1.png “Remove {} line MYOB Accounts file”
Once the accounts.txt file has been imported, train SmartCentral which GL codes to use for parent payments , government payments, miscellaneous fees , bonds etc;
- Service drop down box: select “All”, if all services will be mapped to the same MYOB accounts.
- Service drop down box: select the relevant service, if each service is to be mapped to different MYOB accounts.
- In the mapping screen, select the relevant account code from each drop down box
Note: If you are operating am organisation with multiple services you may set up separate mappings per service or use the same mapping for all services.
The default organisation mapping will be used until service mapping is added.
All GL accounts to be mapped to must be in the one MYOB accounts.txt file
End of Period Processing (Export)
Now that SmartCentral is fully trained, just choose your date range (for end of period processing) and click Export. The file output is ready for immediate import into MYOB all correctly coded.
Import to MYOB
Details on how to import the SmartCentral file into MYOB can be found here. You are importing General Ledger Entries.