When parents create online applications you can access them through the Applications menu.

An indicator will appear next to the menu item to show the number of applications that are Submitted and waiting to be processed. Depending on where the application is in its lifecycle the application will be under the appropriate tab.

Application Processing

Application Status

  • Submitted - The parent has input all the mandatory information and clicked Submit.

  • Waitlisted - The application has been reviewed by a staff member who has determined the application is ok but can’t be accepted at this time, usually as there isn’t a vacancy.

  • Approved - The application has been reviewed and accepted. Parent, Child, Enrolment and Booking details have all been created or updated as needed. Check booking, start date and submit the enrolment

  • Information Requested - A staff member reviewed the application and determined some information was inaccurate or incomplete (eg the file attached is not what was asked for). It has been refered back to the parent for action

  • Incomplete - The parent has started the application but not yet finsihed and submitted it.

If an application is Rejected it is removed from the system.

To process an application, click on its Application ID (left most column , highlighted in red) to open the application. From here you can review all the details of the application. Action buttons at the top of the application allow you process the application appropriately.


Only those action buttons which are relevant to the stage that the applciaiton is in will appear. For example an application that is Incomplete does not have an Approve button.

Application Actions

  • Edit - Occaisonally you will spot obvious typos in the key matching information. Matching information helps the system identify if this application relates to an existing parent / child that needs updating or if they are new.

    Matching information are: Parent & Child first name , last name , Date of Birth , CRN as well as parent mobile number. Use the Edit action to correct the matching information before approving to ensure the application is processed correctly.

  • Waitlist - Transfer the application to the waitlist. You will be asked to assign a priority as you do.

  • Request More Information - Refer the application back to the parent to update. You will be prompted to provide a note to the parent.

  • Approve - Accept the application and create / update parent, child, enrolment and booking details. You will have the option to modify the booking details as you approve it. For example you may discuss with the parent switching to alternate days as one of their preferred days is full.

  • Reject - Gone!

  • History - Display the time line of actions for this application.

  • Download PDF - Extract the application information as a PDF that can be printed or emailed

Approving an Application

After clicking the Approve button you will be presented with a form to finalise the enrolment. Ensure Service,Start Date, Session Code and Room correctly reflect how the enrolment is to be registered.

Application Actions

Ensure you tick the box Enrol/Re-Enrol to confirm you wish to apply changes to the enrolment in that service.

NOTE: Same day approval of casual bookings. If the roll has already been generated for the day you are approving, casual bookings (usually ASC), won’t appear on the roll as it has already been generated. Add Session on the roll manually to ensure they appear.

Next review the booking pattern to ensure it is acceptable, if necessary make ammendments in consultation with the parent.

If this is a re-enrolment of a child then select the option to end date any current bookings and apply the new bookings.

Application Actions

Finally, if your service is using our integrated payment gateway you can trigger a registration request and assign the parent to a tag group by setting the filter field.

Application Actions

Click Confirm to accept the changes and finalise the application.