If an enrolment goes for 8 weeks without an attendance submitted the department will cease it and the status will change to Exited. This is the equivalent of the old ‘deemed exit’ process from CCMS.

If you need to restart an enrolment under CCS you don’t need to clone it.

  • Query the enrolment to find the ceased date
  • Edit the enrolment
  • Choose a new start date that’s on or after the ceased date, can even be today’s date )as long as it covers any new attendances) Eg. If the ceased date is a Monday & you have an attendance session on that day, make the start date the Monday.
  • Choose overwrite notice type 200A
  • Late submission reason may be needed if the restart date is back dated greater than 2-3 weeks
  • Select Save - to resubmit the new restart date on the enrolment.

This will wake the enrolment back up (restart) and you can then submit attendances as normal.
