SmartCentral controls who can do what based on assigning Roles. Every person who uses SmartCentral has a user account that they use to log in with and then the system presents them with menus based on their role within the system. There are 7 levels of role within the system.

  1. Public
  2. Parent
  3. PIN Only
  4. SignIn
  5. Staff
  6. FDC Educator
  7. Finance
  8. Centre Admin
  9. Admin - Authorised User delegation
  10. Authorised User

User Roles


This is the lowest level access that everyone starts with by default when their account is first created. This allows you to search for services and fill out and submit an application and respond to requests in relation to your appliciation.


Once an application is approved the account that submits it is linked to the service and the user can now access online balances and statements. They can also submit updated details.

PIN Only

A user account can be attached to a service via someone with an ADMIN role inviting them to have a PIN only.

The PIN only role is designed for use by staff, who need to sign in/out children (if parent PIN doesn’t work or is forgotten) on the Parent Digital Screen only, and can use their PIN to sign in/out of rooms on the staff sign in digital sheet. (If you have ratio calculator and staff timesheets - ask in support chat for a demo if you do not have access to these functions.)

SignIn (Parent Digital SignIn Rolls)

A user account can be attached to a service through the People > Staff screen by entering the email address used to create their intial account and assigning a role (SignIn / Staff / Admin).

The SignIn role is designed to take the login to the Parent Digital Screen only - used for the parents to sign their children in/out of the service.

Staff (General Staff / Educator)

A user account can be attached to a service through the People > Staff screen by entering the email address used to create their intial account and assigning a role (SignIn / Staff / Admin). The Staff role is designed for Educators responsible for the direct care of the children.

They can access daily rolls and child details such as medical and emergency contact information for parent and nominees. The account can be detached from the service at any time which will revoke its extra access and return it to a parent or public account as appropriate.

FDC Educator

An FDC educator needs a little more access than most staff in a centre as they are operating independently but only to the children assigned to them. In the staff profile assign the appropriate educator Id to link them to their room and thus control what they can see.

They can access daily rolls and child details such as medical and emergency contact information for parent and nominees as can general staff and have access to edit sessions.

  • Edit Session (sign in/out times only)

In addition an option in the Org Setup screen boost the educator permissions and adds the following :

  • Edit Session (additional fields, eg start & end session times)
  • Add Session
  • Delete Session


The finance role is designed for staff that need access to various reports but have no need to access a parent’s or child’s details.

For details of the specific functions accessible to this role go here.

Centre Admin

A user account that has been attached to a service with Centre Admin rights can access both child and parent information for nominated services within an organisation. This admin role has no access to and Extracts or reports. They can be switched between Staff, Centre Admin and Admin roles if needed or revoked.

Admin - Authorised User delegation

A user account that has been attached to a service with Admin rights can access both child and parent information and all reports. Essentially they can perform all functions within the system that involve sending information to CCMS using the They can be switched between Staff Centre Admin and Admin roles if needed or revoked.

Ultimately the Authorised User is legally responsible for the data submitted to CCS. Anyone with Admin role can submit to CCS, however by giving staff an admin role, the Authorised User has ** delegated** sending enrolment and attendance information to another person, but takes responsibility for ensuring they only do so, if that person has the skills and training to do it properly.

An Admin role has therefore been given access to the various CCS Submit functions.

To become a Delegated Admin you must first be attached to the service as an Admin.

Authorised User

An Authorised User is a person who has been nominated to CCS (via PRODA) as being responsible for the operation of the service and the accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided.

Provided they also have a login or they have delegated responsibility to a staff member with an Admin role, an Authorised User has authority to make changes both to attendance and enrolment information and changes to details about the service, including hours of operation and financial information, and submitting these changes to CCS.

As a result it’s usually only a very small number of people who should be granted an **Admin ** role.

An Authorised user can not delegate this part of their role. By having MANCON as their provider role in PRODA, they are also able to make changes to details about the service on PRODA, including extending the PRODA key every 6 months on PRODA, creating and removing B2B devices on PRODA. These last two functions cannot be done within SmartCentral, only in PRODA and only with MANCON access to PRODA, so it is recommended to have at least 2 staff members with PRODA provider role of MANCON so that if one person is away or leaves suddenly, someone else has authority to update service details.

It is possible to be an Authorised User without being an Admin but there is little to be gained from it as the Authorised User is fully responsible for all the data and therefore in practice they will have dual functions. Some boards and committee members are Authorised users with no SC login. In this case someone who has the Admin role, needs to also be trusted with a MANCON provider role in PRODA.