Creating a new session code

To create a new session code (fee) click on the “add new session code” button, and fill in the form.

Updating an existing Session Code

You can click on the session code’s name to change an existing session code’s hours, make the code active/inactive, public (true or false), an Hourly Rate, and/or to add a formula.

Changes saved, will update the session code and bookings immediately, however, be mindful that the change will take effect the next time sessions are generated for the roll.

Alternatively, to update a session code’s hours or other attributes effect in the future, create a new session code. However, you must then end date existing bookings and create new future dated bookings with the new session code.

SmartCentral’s help on Session Formulas can be found here

Updating a session Code’s Fee Amount.

To update the fee amount, click on “update fee”. You can update the amount immediately, or set a future date. All bookings will be updated with the new fee amount on the date of effect, and will update the rolls next time they are generated.

Prior to changing session codes, you can notify the parents via email. SmartCentral’s help to send Emails to parents, can be found here

When you create a new fee or update an existing fee and the change becomes current:

  • You must edit/save enrolments with permanent bookings, to push the change through to MYGOV. The parent can then confirm the change.
  • You can update & email CWAs to the parent
  • You can update operational hours (if changed) on Child Care Finder.
  • send your changed fee schedule to MYGOV

SmartCentral’s help to update MYGOV with your fee schedule changes, can be found here