Staff Discounts

As of Jan 24, 2022, Child care providers can now offer discounted fees to employees with enrolled child/children in the centre. (Please refer to for more information.

Follow the steps below on how to set up the Staff Discount and apply it to the Fees:

1. Add the Staff discount dropdown menu to the system.

a. Login to the system. Then click Account from the top menu bar.

b. Drop down menu appears. select setup org.

c. Setup Edit organisation tab appears. Click the Discounts tab from the menu bar.

d. Staff Discounts Levels tab appears. Add the necessary details on the next blank level:

Level - the next available level for the discount(Level 1 VIP discounts)

Label - Enter the name of the Discount to add

Discount - the percentage of discount to use on the Fees.

e. Click Save to save the entries

2. Apply the Discounts on the Parent’s profile for the enrolment Fees.

a. Click People from the top menu bar.

b. Drop down menu appears. Select Parents

c. Enrolments page appears. Select a Service from the dropdown menu

d. Selected service appears. Enter the parent’s name

e. Filter result appears. Click on the Id number of the parent

f. Parent’s enrolment details page appears. Then, click Profile from the menu bar.

g. Profile tab appears. Scroll down to the Staff Discount dropdown menu. Then, select the appropriate discount.

h. Save to save the entries.

A notification appears that the Parent profile is now updated.