Submitting Your Weekly Attendances

To submit your Weekly Attendances click on Bulk Submit to DSS on the Weekly Attendance page. Once submitted you can cancel an individual attendance by clicking on the Attendance ID next to the Child Name. The submitted attendance will then become available for you to update or delete.

Submitting or Cancelling/Resubmitting Attendances in a Previous Financial Year

If you get the following error New attendances for CCB Approval not permitted, check the week ending date.

  • If the attendance week ending date is in the previous financial year then that is the reason. You cannot submit or amend attendance data for the previous financial year post cutoff (in 2017 this was 24th July).
  • You will need to obtain & submit an application form to do so. It can be obtained from the DSS website. It is called Application to submit or amend attendance data in a prior financial year.