Accessing XMLS

Production :

The XMLS are organised by CCB Approval ID and then Date.

You can look up the Approval Id under Services > Service > CCB .

User stuck on random page after login

  • Go to the browser address bar and type then hit enter. You should then be able to navigate properly

Parent cant view their statement

A few parents have experienced “This page can’t be displayed” when attempting to view their statements. Generally this is related to the email client, browser version or browser settings.

Any information about the device and software the parent is using would be great.

Possible explanations are :

  • Running hotmail on Internet explorer: Many people have reported problems opening or displaying documents particularly PDFs
  • Solution: Switch to using chrome / safari / firefox when accessing hotmail

  • Accessing on a work computer: Some companies block the downloading of ‘suspicious’ attachments , unfortunately this often catches perfectly valid ones in the same net
  • Solution: Try from a non-work device eg smartphone

  • Outdated software: If the software on the computer is not up to date it may not be able to read the pdf file
  • Solution: Check your software is up to date, especially browser and pdf reader

Possible workarounds

If the above solutions don’t work there are a number of possible work arounds

  • If the parent is using a Desktop/ Laptop: Parent can right-click on the link and select Save link as,they should then be able to open the saved file.
  • If the parent is using a touchscreen device eg iPad or Smartphone: After the message This page can’t be displayed appears in the browser window go into the browser menu and click Download , the file should then download to the device and be viewable
  • Use Portal: Parent can log into the portal and view their statement their
  • Nothing else seems to work - staff can download the statement and email it to the parent. If this doesn’t work for the parent either then its very likely their device cant read PDFs and they need to install a PDF viewer