Operational Status

Select the service > CCB > Update Operational Profile

Select a valid option from the drop list. Valid options are: Operational - the operational status of your service will usually be Operational. This option would be selected for most replacement profiles submitted. It may just be you are changing your operating hours or the weeks per year you currently operate.

Temporarily Closed - When you know you will be closed between specific dates you can create an operational profile using this status. The date of effect will be the date you plan to close your service. A second record can also be created where the date of effect is the date you plan to reopen. Both these records can be submitted at the same time. Typically you will create new operational profiles if you shutdown for the Christmas period. The operational status change reason would be Planned Closure. This field will not display until all displayed fields have been entered and the new record is saved. See below for further details.

You may also select this option if your service is temporarily closed due to an emergency, the reason for this type of temporary closure would be Unexpected Circumstances.

Closed - Select this option if your service is to close. You must notify DSS of your intention to close at least 42 days before the intended closure date. The Date of Effect should reflect the Closure date. If this option is selected you will also need to include an operational status change reason. This field will not display until all displayed fields have been entered and the new record is saved.

Transferred - If your service is being sold to a new owner or the business structure of your organisation is changing and a new CCB Approved operator is required you would select this option. Refer to the Op status change reason field help below as to available reasons for this status.

Weeks/Year Enter the number of weeks per year your service operates. If you are creating a replacement profile you must enter this information regardless of whether your operational weeks per year are changing.

Hours/Week Enter the number of hours per week your service operates. If you are creating a replacement profile you must enter this information regardless of whether your operational hours per week are changing.

What next? This is the minimal information you are required to enter prior to clicking on the Save button and entering further information about your new profile, including your Operator Hours. Once you click Save at this point, the Edit Operational Profile screen displays. Further fields display ready for you to enter more information about this profile.

You must enter the Operator hours before you can submit this profile to the CCMS.