There are exceptions to to the rule (as always) but what tends to happen is the following:

Any attendances submitted that are eligible for CCS, prior to the enrolment moving to CONFIRM (Active), will be back paid to the parent. And all CCS paid from the enrolment being Active, will be paid to the service.

With the swapping of parents, from an old enrolment (old Parent 1) to a new enrolment (new Parent 1) & subsequently submitting of a number of attendances all at once, we are not sure if all of these attendances will have any eligible CCS back paid to the new parent 1, or only the 28 days prior to their claim being made. The parent can check this with C/Link if they want to know.

C/Link recommend relying on the CCS payments made (see bottom of each attendance) and the parent owes you in full for any charges that do not receive CCS.

You can check in the Session Subsidy TAB for the weeks no CCS was paid - if the family were eligible it will show as INDIV paid rather than SERVI paid.

If no one paid, then the family may not have been eligible - check the eligibility letter for the date they were eligible from.

Information above was taken from the excerpt below, from the childcare handbook:

Where possible, providers should encourage parents to lodge their claim before enrolling their child. A Child Care Subsidy claim can stay active for a year without any sessions of care being reported for the child.

However, Child Care Subsidy claims can only be backdated for a maximum of 28 days before the claim was made. If a child is enrolled and starts attending care before a claim is made, and the claim is delayed, Child Care Subsidy will not be paid for sessions of care that took place more than 28 days before.

Any back payment of subsidy that is payable for the 28-day period before a claim was made will generally be paid to the individual, not the provider (see Are any payments made to families?). This reflects the expectation that until a family’s claim is finalised and the provider knows they are eligible for Child Care Subsidy (and what their entitlement is) the provider will charge the family full fees for care provided.

This excerpt can be found [here] (