Adding a Booked Fee
A booked fee allows a schedule of payments to be made, for example, a bond of $1000.00 may be required to be charged, which allows that amount to be paid across a period of time.
Follow the steps below on how to add a booked Fee:
Log in to the system. On the top menu bar, click People.
Then, select Parents from the drop down menu.
Parents page appears.
select from the enrolled at dropdown menu. Then enter the desired parent name to search the Filter by name, CRN or email text field.
Search results appear.
Then, click on the Parent’s ID number
Parent details tab appears.
Then, click on the Transactions tab.
Transactions tab appears.
Then, click Add Booked Fee.
Add new booked fee page appears.
Then, fill out the necessary information:
Service -Available service in the system to use.
Amount - amount to be paid in the Booked fee
Note - any information regarding the amount to be paid.
Start date - Start date the payments will be deducted
End date the payments will be paid by.
Style - Includes 2 options:
Every - frequency of amounts being paid
Weeks - select the desired days within the week.
Click Save to save all entries.
Booked fee now appears on the top of the list in the Transaction history.