# set all balances to zero
# in ruby console

Organisation[9999999].parents.each {|v| Payment.create(amount: v.balance, parent_id: v.id, payment_date: Date.parse('2020-01-01'), notes: "Migration balance adjustment", src: 'other', src_ref: 'migration_2_sc') }

# 9999999 is the organisation id
# payment_date can be today (Date.today)
# notes and src_ref can be changed (but give it something uniq, can be easily deleted if by mistake)
# to get balance at, call balance with a single param v.balance(Date.parse('2018-01-01'))

# auto generate bookings, and session codes, and rooms.

cd /home/bitnami/ccms_prod

RACK_ENV=production bundle exec rake auto_bookings[service_id]

e.g. rake auto_bookings[1000000]