... ...
@@ -121,10 +121,10 @@ Australian Government/DHS staff will be able to cancel Certificates.
121 121
* Evidence must be kept for all children at risk and should be provided upon request by DHS.
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* Cancelling/revoking or varying a certificate/determination may trigger reassessments for session reports, which may adjust entitlement causing a debt to be raised to the Provider.
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* Determination is in effect for the child. This means a determination will be in effect for all enrolments regardless of:
- * Provider,
- * Service,
- * Liable party, and
- * Enrolment type.
+ * Provider,
+ * Service,
+ * Liable party, and
+ * Enrolment type.
128 128
* Determination must start on a Monday.
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* Determination made by other providers in relation to children attending any of your services can be returned in the query determination service, depending on the request parameters. However, only limited response will be returned.
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* Application for a determination cannot be submitted unless 204K notice is provided. Where a Provider has a certificate in effect for a child at any of their services, and the Provider has already notified a S/T body under 204K in relation to that certificate and the date of 204K notice is within 6 weeks from the application submission date, then they will be taken to have met the notification obligation