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@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ SmartCentral allows you set up web profiles for your organisation. Depending on
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Before we start with the setup of your web profile check you already have your logo and background colour scheme set.
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Go to **Account > Setup Org > Setup**
-1. Load your log file - this will be used on your web profile and also inserted into statements
+1. Load your logo file - this will be used on your web profile and also inserted into statements. Any standard image format will work. Mainly you will have a .png or .jpg file. Keep in mind this image needs to be able to fit in the top left corner of your statement so should be no larger than 360px by 120px for best results.
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2. Select a **Colour** by clicking on the colour bar and choosing a colour that matches or contrasts your logo main colour
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3. Scroll to the bottom of the form and click save
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