... ...
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ alt="IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE" width="190" height="100" border="10" /></a>
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SmartCentral allows you to set up web profiles for your organisation. Depending on your needs you may set up a profile per service or a single profile for all of your services. Its quite common to take a mixed approach and set up a separate profile per service type (for example if you have multiple vacation care services its convenient to group them into 1 web profile so parents can combine them in a single application).
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Before we start with the setup of your web profile check you already have your logo and background colour scheme set.
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Go to **Account > Setup Org > Setup**
... ...
@@ -25,10 +26,14 @@ To view the profile click on the link, it’s worth noting that if you right cli
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The profile page automatically picks up the centre details from Smart Central and inserts a map of your location.
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There is some basic editing required in order to set up the profile page. Click on “Edit profile”, the first thing you’ll notice at the top of the page is the profile name and which centres you have linked to this profile page.
+<img src="/uploads/editprof.png"
+ />
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Some sample formatting will appear that you can overwrite with your details. you can see a block here which is called the “Introduction”, it includes an instruction code to the system to upload an image and then the text. This will appear beside the map in the Introduction section. 

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Detailed discription section which is below, goes the full width of the page, so that’s the main difference between the two. You edit them the same way, but they’re laid out on the page slightly differently with the Introduction appearing beside the map image and the description section going the full width of the page below those two items.
+<img src="/uploads/introblock.png"
+ />
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Markup is a set of coded instructions to Smart Central about how you want the contents to be presented.
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A hash
# on the start of a line by itself, means that this is a heading.