... ...
@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ This will start the submission process which will take a few to several seconds
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If there are any problems with the submission the error message **failed to submit** will be displayed on this screen. Hover your cursor over the red error to see what the error is, rectify the errors and click submit again.
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### Amending a Submitted Attendance
+**Important Note: You cannot vary/edit a NOCARE session report (attendance)**, it must first be cancelled, then varied, then resubmited. If you vary it and then submit you will get the following error and you will need to ask support to fix it.
+CCS returned reason: R003806 Cannot use 'INIT','VARY','NOCARE','NOCHG' Action on NOCARE Session Report (failed to submit)
+**For all other attendances you wish to edit:**
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1.Go to the Weekly attendance screen.
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2.Select the correct week ending.
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![Weekly Attendances](/uploads/A1.png)