For ZCDC services who have other school age children attend for before/after school care or VAC care, edit the child, say YES to “attends school, and save.

If you have any current projected fees, select “update batch” for it to recalculate these children’s fees.

Normally the fees projected estimate, would be close to the actual parent GAP post attendance submitted & CCS Paid, but as the capped rate is different for LDC vs OSHC capped rate, it can be slightly out.

Selecting YES for this “attends school” field, forces the code to calculate the projection using the OSHC capped rate.

July 2019 capped rates

  • Hourly rate cap (children below school age) $11.98

  • Hourly rate cap (school-age children) $10.48

  • Family Day Care same at $11.10


If projected fees are not equating to Full attendance charge minus CCS paid (ie Parent Gap), then consider if the child’s CCS capped rate has changed from centre based care to OSHC care.

Firstly: see above for how to match projected fees with CCS paid, until the CCS capped rate is switched back to Centre based care. IF it isnt switched back then the above instructions stay as changed. If it is switched back then you need to undo the changes above.

From CCS: The rate cap changes (Centre based to OSHC) when a child is in Centre based care AND has been indicated as attending school. it is based on when the family notify Centrelink that the child has begun school. CCS can see in the system, that this has occurred with the children we provided as examples of the capped rate change. ​ We also have in the technical CCS specification document “The hourly rate cap changes depending on whether the Department determines a child to be school age or not, irrespective of whether they are attending a Long Day Care or Outside School Hours Care service.” so maybe at times if the parent hasn’t notified C/link that they are not attending school based on age there is an assumption they are.

Given that, for any of your children whose CCS capped rate has dropped to OSHC capped rate, and the parent believes the child hasn’t attended school recently, can you check if the parent updated their child’s Education status recently either on MYGOV or via Centrelink.

Regardless of if they think they did or not, can the parent/carer check the following;

1) Check that their MYGOV -> Child Care Subsidy -> Action (relevant child) -> View/Update Education details states “Has not started studies” if they have never attended school. If they are attending a school next year, enter the school and estimate a start date.

2) Parent to call Centrelink, to check their capped rate is now back to Centre based care & once it is, to check will they be back paid any CCS, that wasn’t paid over recent weeks/months. If it isn’t back to centre base care check why it isn’t, and what do they need to do to get it back to centre based care. Make sure the parent gets a c/link reference number.

Note: You shouldn’t have to vary/resubmit anything so check with us before you do that, if that is what C/Link say to do.