Sending an Individual Statement

You can send an individual parent a statement regardless of their activity or filter settings by accessing the Statements tab within the parent’s profile.

Select Add , fill in the Date From and Date To plus the number of Weeks to Project if intending to bill in advance. A Note may also be added to the statement.

When the details are correct click Confirm. A statement will be generated, the parent will be emailed a link to download the statement if they have an email address on file and the statement will become accessible on the Statements tab.

You can click on this link to download the statement in PDF format and print it if requried.

Sending Statements in Bulk

Generating statements in bulk follows a similar process but with a few more options to control which parents will be sent statements.

Extracts > Produce Statements, ‘Add’, fill in the Date From and Date To plus the number of Weeks to Project if intending to bill in advance. A Note may also be added to the statement.

When the details are correct click Confirm. A statement will be generated, the parents will be emailed a link to download the statement if they have an email address on file and the statement will become accessible on the Statements tab.

If all parents have an email the message ‘Nothing to Generate’ will appear, if not you will see Sent/Unsent figures ie. 86/90, you can then generate and download the (example) four statements for parents without emails.